Cursed at her Christening, Briar is doomed to prick her finger on a spinning wheel on her seventeenth birthday and plunge her kingdom into eternal slumber.

Less than enthused about her fate, she fights to break it, but a hundred years later the kingdom lies at the centre of a forest of thorns.

The curse is complete and only true love's kiss will break it.

Volunteering in the place of his brother, Leo is determined to brave the enchanted forest and attempt to end the hundred-year-old curse.

If he fails, the dark fairy, imprisoned within the Kingdom of Thorns, will be unleashed upon the world and a kingdom will fall to ruin.

Guided by a mysterious young ranger named Talia, he sets off on his quest, but the darkness isn't the only thing that grows in the woods,

and Leopold finds himself locked in a bitter fight for his life, his sanity… and his heart.







Author: Katherine MacDonald

Genre: YA Fantasy Romance

Pages: 235 (paperback)

Cover art: German Creative

Overall Reading Experience: 5

First 5 Chapters: The Prologue drew me in as well as the first five chapters and throughout the book.

I couldn’t stop reading in fear of the questions that would haunt me all day.

The first 5 chapters are well rounded and enticing, bringing in main characters that we fall in love with

and describing a world so beautiful and twisted you have to continue reading.

Reasons to keep reading: There are many reasons to keep reading, but here are a few,

to find out who Talia really is, will the curse be lifted? What other horrifying things will Leo run into? 

Get it Here: Kingdom of Thorns









I should have known when getting into this book that the writing would be off the charts.

Katherine has Beta Read for me before and provided spectacular feedback, but there’s one thing in knowing

and then doing. And Katherine does it all well, the flow and pacing, no questions go unanswered,

the characters are enticing, the world is even spun into something so incredible you wish you were there trying

to save the princess yourself like I wish I could have. 

There’s not a time in the book where I had to stop to understand something clearly or put the book down because

of typos (I know we all have read books like those), but this book is not one of those. 

This book belongs on a shelf with all the other fantastical retellings.





 “I’m really going to enjoy rescuing you”, be still my beating heart. Yes, this book was hot and you should read it to find out why. A moment with swords pressed to throats, enduring words, and tension so tight you can’t help but flush along with the characters. I found as I kept reading I loved this world. I was never one to like sleeping beauty as a princess, but in the retelling, I was rooting for her all along. I could go into detail why, but that would spoil the book for you. 

First, we meet Prince Leopold, who I’ll have to admit I wasn’t too sure of in the beginning. Maybe it was his self-deprecating humor, which was all too real for me, but as the character grew, I grew to love him. He isn’t like your regular prince charming, tough, sure of himself. In fact, he’s the complete opposite, always almost on the verge of death, needing rescuing instead of doing the rescuing. He loves deeply, can hold a conversation really well, which we all know men in real life tend to suck at that area. Prince Leopold is a big ol’ softie and I would die for him. 

Then there is sleeping beauty herself, so much pain as haunted her life you can’t help but root for her. Also, she’s a strong, wise, witty woman who doesn't need no man. Seriously she didn’t need one. She could slay her own dragons, which she probably has. And she fought for what she wanted,

she never gave up once, even though the thought may occur to her several times.

This is a Disney Princess I can get behind! And then when the two collide, it’s like seeing shooting stars fall, it happens fast but you're left with this

awestruck wonder of their compatibility. Two well-written characters in my humble opinion. 

So yes, Please pick up this book, give it a read. And squeal along as I did, grip the pages as hard as I did. And cry along as I did! 


As always, I do recommend forming your own opinion, so there is a direct link to the book up above.

And I always welcome feedback on my own critique as I’m not always right.


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