Chloe Carmichael’s life feels pretty sweet—she’s both maid of honor and florist for her best friend’s A-list wedding, things are getting serious with her boyfriend, and her flower shop is about to get a spread in a national magazine. But it all quickly turns sour whenever the best man, Bad Habit drummer A.J. Edwards, shows his face...his handsome, unforgettable face. A.J. is everything Chloe doesn’t want: tattooed, selfish, and all-around bad news. So why can’t she stop thinking about him?

Goody two-shoes Chloe isn’t exactly A.J.’s type, either, but the chemistry between them is undeniable. A.J. will be the first to say he isn’t a saint, but there’s something he’s not saying—something that would devastate Chloe. The only way he can protect her is to push her away, but the drummer finds he needs her now more than ever. When a wedding-day confrontation reveals secrets they’re both hiding, will Chloe and A.J. ever find their rhythm again?






Author: J.T Geissinger

Genre: Romance

Traditional or Self-Pub: Self-Publish 

Pages: 386

Cover art: 2/5

Cover by: Eileen Carey

LGBT Content: No

Overall Reading Experience: 1/5

First 5 Chapters: We are thrown into Chloe’s dramatic life. We meet A.J who they obviously have a thing for each other but hate each other at the same time. We learn Chloe is a florist and by some random luck her best friend is marrying the lead singer of a rock band and she is doing the flowers, which will land her a dream of lifetime, a spread in People’s Magazine. 

Reasons to keep reading: Honestly I do even have a reason for why I kept reading

Get it Here: Make Me Sin



And I thought Den of Vipers didn’t have a plot. Well here’s a book to knock it off it’s low pedestal.

The writing was okay, there weren’t that many typos that caught my eye. But I did get hung up on the horrible character development and lack of a plot. 

Let’s throw all these scenes together and see what they create. This is how I felt it was written. 

Everything was overshadowed by these big dramatic scenes. Like her Ex turning into a crazy psycho and trying to rape her, or like her ex trying to shoot up a wedding. Or like her getting pregnant after not using a condom once. I get it, all it takes is just once… But come on.





Three words. This. Book. Sucked. After hours and hours of scrolling through Kindle Unlimited, I landed on this book. It was the first book that I saw that didn’t have negative reviews after negative reviews. And I am shocked at how many five stars it had for how terrible it was.

I forced myself to keep reading, like my mom forced me to eat okra when I was five. *GAG*

Chloe is not a promising woman. I felt no connection to her. And how much she hates being called princess, she sure acts like one. My introduction to her was, oh a woman who built her business from scratch, which she did. She must have preserved through a lot to get where she is. From the beginning she acted like she came from nothing. She acted as if she were independent. And we all know how I like my women, strong, smart, and I-N-D-E-P-E-D-E-N-T, do you know what I mean?

Oh how I was wrong. Chloe grew up in a high income household, and she grew up spoiled. There is nothing wrong with that.

There was just major whiplash in who this character actually was. She called her dad, who is a wealthy lawyer every time she needed help. He even got her the best plastic surgeon in town when she needed it. They even have a 1900’s house call doctor who they pay $500,000 a year on retainer…. *Sigh* I wish I had this growing up. 

Also, she said this famous line to her love interest that made me hate her, “I don’t care if your Jesus or Hitler… I still love you.”

Seriously! Hitler! You would still love him if he was a dictator who started a mass genocide? 

Get your priorities straight. 

And then there is A.J. He’s the drummer of a band and is instantly in love with Chloe as soon as he sees her. He has a funny way of showing it. God is he toxic. This is not how I like my men. 

Why do all the books we read have to have the guy having some horrid past and the girl sweeps in and fixes him. Nope! I have my own problems, fix yourself. 

He’s a stalker. He fakes sleeping with a hooker to push her away. 

He gets her pregnant, because this book can’t get any more dramatic. And because this baby is Jesus, he is instantly fixed. BAM. He’s ready to be daddy, all his problems went away, he will be a faithful and loving husband. All she needed to do was get pregnant to change him. *Face Palm*

I will leave you with these parting words. Read. At. Your. Own. Sanity. 


As always, I do recommend forming your own opinion, so there is a direct link to the book up above. And I always welcome feedback on my own critique as I’m not always right.




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