Antiquity’s Gate forced two realities to collide—what followed tore one of them apart. 

An Antarctic city of domes is the last safe haven for survivors, held together by a tenuous peace between the remnants of humanity and the Therans who rule over them. 

A mid-level systems operator, Ripley does his best to stay out of trouble. His best friend Felix, an irreverent half-breed shunned by society, can’t seem to do the same. When Felix’s family is targeted by an unjust law, there’s nowhere to run. 

In a desperate bid to escape, Ripley and Felix uncover a conspiracy that will mean the end for the city. But tangling with fate has a heavy price. 

The people of Sanctuary have never seen a sunrise. 

If Ripley and Felix aren’t prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice, none of them ever will.







Author: R.F Hurteau

Genre: New Adult Science Fiction

Pages: 294

Cover art: Nushie (can be found on twitter @nushdraws)

Overall Reading Experience: 4

First 5 Chapters: It’s a slow build into the storyline, the characters are set up very nicely and each chapter leaves off with me wanting more, or me wanting to skip straight to that person’s perspective.

Reasons to keep reading: The characters are easily loveable and there's a lot unraveled at the end that leaves you at the edge of your seat.

Get it Here: Antiquity's Gate



It was a very easy read and what I mean by that is there were no typos, very well edited. The world build was phenomenal, and the history was well told throughout the book. And the characters individually were compelling. Honestly, the character was the propeller behind me that forced me to keep on reading.





Antiquity’s Gate had me huddled deep under a cozy comforter, it sent me back to 6th grade when I first read Amber City. The secret world, government lies, rebellion, and in search of something better. This book was different though, it was a mix of society’s, you could feel the riff and the tension building up to something better. Although the pacing of the book was too slow for my taste, the characters and the plotline drove me deeper within the words and I’m glad I finished the novel. It did leave me with some questions, like what happened to Ben? Do I seriously have to read the next book to figure out if he’s okay or not? Or Ripley? Like come on, they were the reason I was reading the book, they were the snoopy one’s wanting to find out more. And what was Sylvia’s role in all the commotion, what was she up too? One minute she was there and the next, poof out of the storyline. 

And what’s not to love about a tight-knit friendship. Especially between Felix and Ripley, like they would die for each other, and maybe they did…. Jk, read it for yourself.

One thing that did stand out to me the most, the thorn in my side, that made me want to toss the book aside, was the constant change of point of views. I’m not talking about one or two characters. I’m talking six or seven. 

 I honestly kept confusing the characters because it switched between different people, A LOT. 

Like Denton and Nelson were the same character, right?

The most points of views I like are two, maybe three if I want to push the limit. But overall I do feel it was nice to see the world through different perspectives. It was quite a journey I had and I don’t regret reading this book at all. I would suggest picking it up if you want to be left with a billion questions like I was. 

As always, I do recommend forming your own opinion, so there is a direct link to the book up above. And I always welcome feedback on my own critique as I’m not always right.


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